Medical Tourism

We are inviting professional and well-trained experts to join our team.

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ABOUT Medical Tourism

DuckBerrys is e-Healthcare subsidiary of SchonBerry Networks, Sweden. DuckBerrys is an in-silico MedApp designed to manage the medical odyssey of life from Infancy to senescence and everything in-between. DuckBerrys is a mélange of features, which unequivocally revolutionizes medical healthcare. DuckBerrys is an on-demand, digital medical, healthcare and wellness platform, which offers professional diagnostics and health check-up services accessed online while you are safely ensconced in the privacy of your home or office. DuckBerrys App connects patients to clinicians / doctors from India, Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Jordan, Turkey, US, UK, Sweden and Canada. DuckBerrys helps patients to consult with experts across specialties via chat, audio or video call. Unambiguously we are focused on quality and in all earnest we are driven by groundbreaking AI (artificial intelligence) technology. DuckBerrys’s motto is to make good healthcare more accessible, reliable and a non – pesky & smooth experience.

India Most Suitable

Indian corporate hospitals over the ages have excelled in myriad medical domains like cardiology and cardiothoracic surgery, joint replacement, orthopedic surgery, gastroenterology, ophthalmology, transplants and urology to name a few.

Health Tourism India

It is a new concept whereby people from world over visit India for their medical treatment. Heart surgery, knee transplant, cosmetic surgery, in vitro fertilization and dental care are the most common treatment modalities which attract patients from various countries.

Medical Tourism

Medical Tourism is a new concept used to represent obtaining medical or surgical services while traveling or vacationing in another country.

Frequently asked Questions on Medical Tourism India

Feel free to email us at or call our support line at +‎46-855924764.

Medical Tourism is a new concept used to represent obtaining medical or surgical services while traveling or vacationing in another country.
There are a lot of different medical/surgical options for medical tourists. Primarily, medical tourists get elective procedures such as cosmetic surgery, hip and knee replacements, dental procedures, infertility treatments; any procedure that is usually not covered by insurance or has a long waiting time in their home country.
The potential cost savings for medical tourists are huge and as a result are one of the more important factors in seeking treatment in India. It is important to note that the cost for each individual will vary depending on their need and requirements. Usually, an elective procedure such as a knee replacement would cost on average of $30,000 in the US. Whereas getting that same procedure done using similar quality parts in India would cost 40 - 60% less than the cost in the US, including the hospital stay, all procedure and physicians costs and transportation to and from India. The costs compared to UK are similarly lower by about 40 - 60%. This is mainly possible because of favorable currency exchange rates.
Absolutely not, the Indian medical standards match up to the highly prescribed international standards. The lower costs are due to favorable currency conversion rates and lower costs of operating in India.
DUCKBERRYS is not the medical provider and cannot accept payment for your medical expenses. You will be required to make payment as per hospital policy. Usually, this involves paying a deposit prior to undergoing any diagnostic tests and/or procedures. A final bill will be presented to you prior to discharge from the hospital. The travel and accommodation charges will be collected as per DUCKBERRYS rules and regulations.
India has some of the most highly qualified and experienced physicians in the world. With a cultural emphasis on education, most of these physicians have gone on to super-specialize in their field, enabling them to become experts in their respective medical specialties. Further, most of the physicians that are in the DUCKBERRYS network have had extensive hands on training. The hospitals that DUCKBERRYS has tied up with are the leading hospitals in India with multi-specialty facilities. In addition to traditional medicine, India offers many more relaxing and rejuvenating treatment options from Yoga, Ayurveda, and Meditation to Allopathic and Naturopathic medicine. India also offers world-class travel destinations such as the Taj Mahal, the beaches of Goa, the backwaters of Kerala and hiking in the Himalayas, heritage rich Rajasthan to name a few.
India has several private hospitals that are designed to provide world-class medical care in India. These hospitals utilize some of the best medical equipment that is available world-wide. A specific example of such a hospital is one located in Mumbai, which has been designed per guidelines from the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, to ensure that they meet rigorous international standards. This hospital focuses on patient safety and comfort and has been designed in such a way that will minimize the risk of infection. DUCKBERRYS has carefully evaluated and selected only those hospitals that meet very high international standards to be a part of our network.
DUCKBERRYS will be happy to arrange a phone consultation with the corresponding physician in India and ensure that all of your questions are answered. We provide this as part of our total package, as we want you to be totally comfortable with your decision to go to India for your medical needs. You can also have your doctor consult with our doctors in India.
DUCKBERRYS Relationship Manager will be with you every step of the way; from meeting you at the airport when you land in India, to the moment you leave to fly back home. Their sole function is to provide you with any assistance that you may need. They will ensure that transportation is arranged to and from your accommodation to the hospital for all of your appointments. In addition, you will also be given a pre-paid cellular phone during your stay, so that you can contact your Relationship Manager or anyone else that you may want.
Your physician in India will make an assessment of your recovery and make a decision as to when it may be possible for you to travel.